Body Concepts
Transformative Bodies

The Body Concepts series is based on the principle of transdisciplinary encounters. The session begins with a lecture by Elliot Evans, followed by a dialogue with artist Jen Rosenblit.
LECTURE BY ELLIOT EVANS: HIV is neither pure matter nor metaphor, nor even a combination of the two. Rather, it is ‘intra-action’ between multiple strains of virus; human and non-human agents; individual state biopolitics and global biocapital. It also traces the afterlives of colonialism and neocolonialism; religious discourse; medical research; homophobia and racism. Likewise, while often imagined as purely cellular materiality, blood is laden with metaphors of class, race and lineage; health and disease; vitality and death. Blood is certainly not an ‘object’, but neither is it fully ‘subject’; acting akin to Haraway’s prosthetic in questioning the body’s borders and probing the line between inside/outside.
Their talk HIV. Journey in Blood will explore the transformation of blood via the journeys it makes inside and outside of human and non-human bodies: the transspecies journey of HIV from ape to human; the transatlantic journey of the virus; and the transactional journey of human blood exported from periphery to centre through companies like Hemo-Caribbean, which underlines that under biocapitalism, certain bodies are quite literally worth less than others. It will converse with visual art to offer a historically situated, new materialist analysis of HIV and blood, and of viral transmission as continual journeying.
Link for livestream. Free admission. In English.
ELLIOT EVANS is Associate Professor in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Birmingham. Elliot is the author of Queer Permeability: The Body in French Thought from Wittig to Preciado (2020). Their research is concerned with the varied constructions of sexuality and gender across cultures; with the biopolitical formation of these identities, and the ways in which they are elaborated through writing and visual production. Their current research project is a comparative analysis of the visual language of HIV/AIDS across four national contexts: Democratic Republic of Congo, France, Haiti, Québec, specifically looking at experimental film and video art.
JEN ROSENBLIT (1983. USA) makes performances based in Berlin after many years in New York City, surrounding architectures, bodies, text, and ideas concerned with problems that arise inside of agendas for togetherness. Rosenblit’s works lean toward the uncanny, locating ways of being together amidst (un) familiar and impossible contradictions. Desire and sexuality linger as reoccurring points of departure without demanding a singular aesthetic or representation. Rosenblit is a 2018 Guggenheim Fellow, a recipient of a 2014 New York Dance and Performance “Bessie” Award, a 2023 La Becque(Vevey, CH) artist in residence and has collaborated with artists including Simone Aughterlony, Miguel Gutierrez, A.K.Burns and Philipp Gehmacher.