Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)

The Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin (HZT) is a locally and internationally oriented center of study and research for a creative and critical engagement with dance, choreography, body-based practices and performance. Founded in 2006, HZT Berlin started as a four-year pilot project within Tanzplan Deutschland, an initiative of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

Since 2010, the HZT has continued on an institutional basis. It is jointly supported by the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) and the Ernst Busch University of Theatre Arts Berlin, in contractually bound cooperation with TanzRaumBerlin, a network of the professional Berlin dance scene.  

The HZT offers three degree programs: the bachelor's program Dance, Context, Choreography and the two master's programs Choreography (maC) and Solo/Dance/Authorship (MA SODA).

Students are offered a teaching and research environment at the HZT in which they can develop their own work in the field of contemporary art practice through artistic, theoretical and collaborative practice, transdisciplinary approaches, contextualization, reflection, as well as in dialogue with faculty and peer learning.

Go to study programmes:

HZT Committees


  • Dr. Anna Luise Kiss (Rektorin HfS)
  • Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz (Präsident UdK)
  • Christiane Linsel (Kanzlerin der HfS)
  • Dr. Ulrike Prechtl-Fröhlich (Kanzlerin UdK)

Advisory members with speech and petition right

  • Prof. Nik Haffner (Artistic Director)
  • Prof. Wanda Golonka (Deputy of the Artistic Director)
  • Silke Bake, Kareth Schaffer (TanzRaumBerlin Netzwerk)


Group 1

  • Prof. Wanda Golonka
  • Prof. Nik Haffner
  • Prof. Janez Janša
  • Prof. Philipp Gehmacher

Group 2

  • N.N.
  • Rep. N.N.

Group 3

  • Anton Gerzina
  • Rep. N.N.

Group 4

  • Eva-Maria Hoerster
  • Sabine Trautwein

Advisory members with speech and petition right

  • Dr. Anna Luise Kiss (Rektorin HfS)
  • Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz (Präsident UdK)
  • Christiane Linsel (Kanzlerin der HfS)
  • Dr. Ulrike Prechtl-Fröhlich (Kanzlerin UdK)
  • TanzRaumBerlin Netzwerk: Silke Bake, Kareth Schaffer
  • Women's and Equal Opportunity representatives UdK: Kerstin Iskra
  • Women's and Equal Opportunity representative HfS: Vanessa Wozny
  • AStA UdK: Veronika Haas
  • AStA HfS: N.N.



The international Expert Committee gives recommendations in structural issues or questions of content. At this point the following persons are members of the HZT Expert Committee:

  • Efva Lilja, Choreographer, Researcher, Stockholm
  • Prof. Dr. Annemarie Matzke, University of Hildesheim
  • Jefta van Dinther
  • Raphael Hillebrand

According to the decision of the HZT Council of 19.10.2022, the examination board is composed as follows:

(a) Examination board BA "Dance, Context, Choreography"

Group 1

  • Prof. Janez Janša, head of board
  • Prof. Philipp Gehmacher
  • Prof. Wanda Golonka
  • Rep. Prof. Dr. Sandra Noeth

Group 2

  • N.N.
  • Rep. N.N.

Group 3

  • N.N.

(b) Examination board MA "Choreography"

Group 1

  • Prof. Philipp Gehmacher, head of board
  • Prof. Wanda Golonka
  • Prof. Janez Janša 
  • Rep. Prof. Dr. Sandra Noeth

Group 2

  • Dr. Christiane Berger
  • Rep. Prof. Ingo Reulecke

Group 3

  • N.N.
  • Rep. N.N.

(c) Examination board MA "SODA Solo / Dance/ Authorship"

Group 1

  • Prof. Wanda Golonka, head of board
  • Prof. Janez Janša
  • Prof. Philipp Gehmacher
  • Rep. Prof. Dr. Sandra Noeth

Group 2

  • Rima Najdi
  • Rep. Prof. Ingo Reulecke

Group 3

  • N.N.
  • Rep. N.N.


  • Anton Gerzina
  • Auro Orso
  • Ella Olivia Bender
  • Lisa Kohlstädt
  • Mahshad Rezai
  • Marie Stremmel
  • Marta Ruszkowska
  • Milena Luise Stein
  • Nuria Carrillo Erra