Help, Financial Support and Scholarships
For students and alumni
1. Advice and assistance in emergency and crisis situations
Where can I find help and advice for myself personally or for other people in emergency and crisis situations?
Here you will find a list of information and contacts to persons, public and private institutions, initiatives and projects: they all support affected persons, relatives and other persons involved with psychological counselling in cases of, among other things, discriminatory, intersectional, sexist, right-wing extremist, racist or anti-Semitic experiences, harassment as well as sexual abuse and in psycho-emotionally difficult situations.
They support with psychological counseling in cases of experiences of violence, sexual abuse and in psycho-emotionally difficult situations. The services are aimed at adults and children and adolescents. The counseling and support services are available in more than 20 languages. For a better overview, the services are arranged alphabetically. If an aid project is missing, please contact a member of the HZT team by email.
Help and Support
UdK Berlin: contact point for support against discrimination and violence (formerly Vertrauensrat/ confidential council):Link to Website
HfS Ernst Busch: contact point regarding a.o. „protection against sexualized harassment, discrimination, violence and abuse of power“ is the women's representative Vanessa Wozny:Link to Website
Since 2019 the HfS ist commoted to the "Guideline for Protection against Sexualized Harassment, Discrimination, Violence and Abuse of Power at the HfS“ read here
HfS Ernst Busch Psychological Counseling for Students
Susanne Hildebrand, Dipl.-Psychologin, Zinnowitzer Str. 11, Room 2.71,
Office hours: Wednesday 14:30 - 16:00 or by appointment
Further information can be found on the pages of the StudierendenWERK Berlin
Company physician at the Berlin University of the Arts
Stefan Linnig, MPH is a specialist in occupational medicine and has been the company physician at the UdK since 2021. During the semester his regular office hours are on Thursday mornings in room 108, Einsteinufer 43, room 32 Hardenbergstraße 33 and on request.
E-mail: betriebsarzt[at]
Fay Geisler, psychologist / therapist at the UdK
You can read more about Fay Geisler and the procedure here
The website is in German, the counseling can be in English. Counseling can be about symptoms, stress or finding a therapist outside of the university. Meetings can be held by phone, online or in person. Everything is under professional secrecy, even the first email. To make an appointment write to psychologische.beratung[at] leaving just your name, study program and phone number and you will get a call back.
Further info about appointments
Corona Updates for studying at the UdK Berlin
Information page on immediate measures in the context of the coronavirus at the UdK Berlin Here you will find all important information related to the coronavirus and the immediate measures at the UdK Berlin. More >
Corona Updates for studying at the HfS Ernst Busch Berlin
Communicated via Discord within HfS.
Psychological counseling offered by studentenwerk Berlin
They also offer one-on-one counseling (this can be in English) and workshops (these are German) surrounding stress management, procrastination, relaxation exercises.
Further information
ARIBA e.V. supports victims of right-wing extremist, racist and anti-Semitic violence with psychological counseling. Tel.: (answering machine for making an appointment): (030) 9221 8241 E-Mail:
The Berliner Krisendienst (Berlin Crisis Service) provides fast and professional assistance for issues including psychosocial crises and acute mental and psychiatric emergencies. Our advice is free of charge and available 365 days a year around the clock. People in need of assistance can be helped personally, by phone, and in extreme situations on site at nine Berlin locations without an appointment. The consultation can also be carried out anonymously upon request. Multi-lingual assistance and cooperation with interpreters and linguists. Website:
The BIG-Hotline (domestic violence) supports women and their children who experience violence in their relationship, are still threatened and harassed by their ex-partner after their separation or are exposed to assault. Telephone hotline (daily 8-23 hrs): (030) 611 0300 (There is the possibility to ask for an interpreter).
Website: (There is also a link here for e-mail consultations)
Child and youth telephone "number against grief" (Kinder- und Jugendtelefon „Nummer gegen Kummer“) offers all children and young people, their parents and other educating persons a fast attainable discussion and consulting offer. The telephone consultation takes place anonymously for everyone. The counselling services of the "Number against sorrow" are the first point of contact for all questions, problems and in particularly critical situations. If necessary, they give advice and arrange further assistance.
Child and youth telephone "NummerGegenKummer": 116 111 (free of charge)
See also parents' phone: 0800 111 0 550 (for parents in stress situations, free of charge)
Help telephone Sexual Abuse. Help phone for sexual abuse if you are worried about a child. Phone (anonymous and free of charge): 0800 22 55 530
Finding a therapist. Search tool with profiles of therapists.
Frieda Frauenzentrum e.V. supports women* through various counselling services, including counselling for those affected by stalking and cyberstalking. Tel. (appointment arrangement): (030) 422 4276
Trust telephone "Jewish Hotline": 0211 4698520, 0211 4698521(only connection costs, Jewish Community Düsseldorf)
LARA supports and accompanies women* in overcoming the consequences of sexual violence and assaults. Telephone hotline (Mon-Fri from 9-18 o'clock): (030) 216 8888 E-Mail:
LesMigraS is the anti-discrimination and anti-violence area of the lesbian consultation and uses itself for a society, in which all aspects of the life and the personality of lesbian, bisexual women, Trans* and Inter* are accepted and valued. Telephone and personal consultations in English, Persian, Dutch, Turkish or German. For other languages LesMigras works together with interpreters*.
Telephone hotline (see LesMigras opening hours): (030) 2191 5090
L-SUPPORT. Victim support for lesbian, bisexual and queer women affected by violence.
The goal of L-SUPPORT is to oppose anti-lesbian violence with effective and decisive strategies. Lesbian, bisexual and queer women in Berlin are strengthened in their self-confidence and, as victims of violence, are supported in a needs-oriented, low-threshold and unbureaucratic manner.
The Lesbian Counseling (Lesbenberatung) is an open place for women, girls, trans* and inter* in different life situations. They offer counseling, case management and space for encounters in a protected setting. In the lesbian counseling there are two areas: the health area and the anti-discrimination and anti-whaling area LesMigraS. Attached to the health sector is the youth project Young & Queer with its own homepage and own topics.
List of English-speaking psychiatrists and psychotherapists in Berlin Your mental health is important. It's also important to get help in your language. You can a list of psychiatrists and psychotherapists who speak English in Berlin.
Maneo. The gay anti-violence project in Berlin. Victim Assistance. Registration Office. Prevention. Commitment. The offer is aimed at gay and bisexual young people and adults in Berlin - regardless of whether they are in Berlin, for example as tourists, or live in Berlin. The place and time of the act of violence are also irrelevant for the use of our offer.
The Muslim Pastoral Care Telephone (MuTeS) provides support for problems and the search for solutions. The offer is anonymous and confidential. Qualified Muslims work voluntarily for MuTeS
Muslim pastoral care telephone: 030 44 35 09 821 (only connection costs)
Open councelling. List of Hotlines
Pflegestütztpunkte Berlin We inform and advise on all questions regarding care in Berlin. Upon request, we also provide practical support–”for example, by developing an assistance plan together with you. If necessary, we can arrange and coordinate necessary support services, clarify financing and help with the application. Our support is independent, consumer-oriented and free of charge. In all Berlin districts.
service hotline 0800 59 500 59 free of charge, Monday - Friday 09:00 am - 06:00 pm, or local services in the Pflegestützpunkten
Pregnant women in need. The assistance telephone is occupied around the clock and free of charge under the call number 0800/ 40 40 020. Consultation is also possible by email and on site. The help desk of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth can provide advice in 18 languages*. It establishes contact with a pregnancy counseling center. You can discuss everything with a counselor near you. The offer is anonymous and absolutely confidential.
Queer-Leben (Queer Life) A counseling center for inter* and trans* and queer persons of all ages, their parents and relatives. They provide counseling on all questions regarding “Geschlecht” (Germ: sex and gender), gender identity and self-determination. Telephone: +49 30 44 66 88-114, Email:
Sexual abuse help line. Sexual abuse help line if you are worried about a child.
Phone (anonymous and free of charge): 0800 22 55 530
Stillpoint Spaces Berlin. Berlin's only psychological coworking hub offering counselling and psychotherapy in English and other languages, community, events, consulting room and venue hire.
StudierendenWerk helps to find solutions for study-specific topics and provide support in personal conflict situations. It provides psychological-psychotherapeutic counselling, counsels on financing studies, studying with child, studying with special needs and more. At the moment there are additional changes and burdens caused by the coronavirus pandemic: online studies, limited earning opportunities, health-related fears and reduced contact and leisure activities.
Somatic Academy Berlin
is dedicated to the work and research of the living body. Originating in the English-speaking world, all holistic and body-centered disciplines belonging to this field are called "somatics". They use the body as a portal to the whole human being.
The violence protection outpatient clinic (Gewaltschutzambulanz) at the Charité provides free forensic medical documentation of injuries that are legally binding. Tel (appointment allocation): (030) 450 570 270 E-Mail:
WEISSER RING is the only nationwide active victim support organisation in Germany. Their volunteers work in accordance to professional standards. The victim support provided by WEISSER RING is based on the idea of offering free help to victims of crime. The victim support workers provide one-to-one assistance in a voluntary and professional capacity. Their civic engagement helps victims of crime to rebuild their lives after being victimized.
Victim telephone: 116 006 (free of charge, violence against women, men)
The women's crisis phone (Frauenkrisentelephon) supports women in difficult situations in German, English, Farsi/Dari. Telephone hotline: (030) 615 4243 Personal counseling for migrant women: (030) 615 7596
The help line Gewalt gegen Frauen is a nationwide counselling service for women who have experienced or are still experiencing violence. Under the number 08000 116 016 and via on-line consultation affected persons of all nationalities, with and without handicap - 365 days in the year are advised, around the clock. There are counselling services in 17 languages. Further offers are advice in sign language, online advice and chat advice. Relatives, friends and specialists are also advised anonymously and free of charge. Tel: 08000 116 016
Superheldin gegen Gewalt is a web-based platform with search engine for nationwide counselling services for women.
Tauwetter supports men* who were exposed to sexualized violence during childhood or adolescence. Phone: (030) 693 8007 E-mail:
2. Study financing, funding and scholarships
Here you will find contacts to information centres that can advise and support you with questions and options for financing your studies: from Bafög to scholarships.
Graduates will also find scholarship programmes and contact points here that provide information and advice on financing artistic projects, the path to self-employment, taxes, health insurance, funding programmes and residencies.
2. Study financing, funding and scholarships
Study financing is usually a mix of several financing options. Watching this jungle of possibilities is not always easy. The social counseling of the studierendenWERK BERLIN
advises you on your personal finance mix and supports you before starting your studies, during your studies and when your life situation changes due to illness, pregnancy or other events.
Further information
BAföG & Financing
Studying has to be paid for. The joy of receiving a place at university is often followed by the question of how your studies are going to be financed. studierendenWERK BERLIN looks after your BAföG application and provides you with advice on financing your studies.
Further information
The Deutschlandstipendium programme supports talented and high-achieving students at public and state-recognised universities in Germany. First- and higher-semester students of all nationalities can apply directly to their university. The Deutschlandstipendium provides financial and non-material support to high-achieving and committed students from all over the world. Modelled after the principle of public-private partnership, businesses, foundations or private individuals sponsor young talent with a pledge of 150 euros per month. The Federal Government matches this amount with another 150 euros. But there is even more: Many universities and private sponsors also support Deutschlandstipendium holders through concurrent mentoring programmes, networking events and internships.
Further information
The HZT Berlin can nominate two students from the BA in the section ‚Dance‘, and one student from each of the MA programs in the section choreography. This scholarship works by nomination only. This means that usually the teachers nominate two students who are then approached by the Studienstiftung to apply and audition.
Further information
The Commission for Artistic and Scientific Projects (KKWV) is a statutory standing commission advising the Academic Senate and the President*of the UdK Berlin. The promotion of artistic and academic projects is a central task of the UdK Berlin. A total of 58,000 euros is available for project funding each year. The funds are allocated through a competitive comparison of the available applications on the basis of the KKWV's catalogue of criteria. The KKWV particularly supports interdisciplinary projects that go beyond the scope of subject-specific work and go beyond the actual teaching, study and examination obligations. Information only available in german.
Further information
Study completion grants (Studienabschluss-Stipendien) are scholarships for international students who will take their final exam at UdK Berlin within the next semester (BA, MA, Absolvent, Meisterschüler). They are intended to provide talented and financially disadvantaged students with monetary support for exam preparation. The STIBET I study completion grants are financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) from funds from the Federal Foreign Office. The STIBET I programme is advertised annually
Further information
Through PROMOS, you can get support for up to 6 months of individually organized study periods abroad in addition to work experience and study trips. These include semesters at a foreign university outside of the Erasmus+ region as well as research trips in preparation for your Master's thesis (the minimum stay in each of these cases is one month), as well as language courses (at least three weeks), and specialist courses (up to six weeks).
Further information
Both German and foreign students from all disciplines are eligible to apply for a Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung study scholarship. Applicants must be enrolled at a German institution of higher learning. German citizens enrolled in another EU country or Switzerland are also eligible to apply. The institution can be either a university or college, and must be either public or publicly accredited.
Further information
The Heinrich Böll Foundation grants scholarships to approximately 1,200 undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral students of all subjects and nationalities per year, who are pursuing their degree at universities, universities of applied sciences (‘Fachhochschulen’), or universities of the arts (‘Kunst-/Musikhochschulen’).
They expect their scholarship recipients to have excellent academic records, to be socially and politically engaged, and to have an active interest in the basic values of the foundation: ecology and sustainability, democracy and human rights, self determination and justice.
Further information
With its scholarships, the Hans Böckler Foundation wants to contribute to more equal opportunities in education. The Hans-Böckler-Foundation wants to make it possible for young people to study successfully, especially those for whom the path to university is not a matter of course and who are entitled to the BAföG maximum rate. They support young people who demonstrate above-average performance as well as trade union and/or socio-political commitment. Applications are open to students of all artistic courses who are in their first year of study.
Further information (only in German)
With their programs, the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation would like to address women in particular, as well as young people who are the first in their family to study and/or have a migration background. The foundation sees itself as a sponsor and partner and supports the scholarship holders with advice and financial assistance from the very beginning. They can study freely and independently, strengthen their social skills and develop personally. The Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation supports all courses of study, and welcomes applications from students of artistic courses of study.
Further information (only in German)
Kreativ Kultur Berlin – Cultural Promotion
Contact point for cultural and creative professionals in the capital who have questions about project financing, cultural funding, professionalization and self-employment or are planning a start-up project. The experienced advisors provide information, advice and networking across all sectors and industries - from artists to start-ups. Competent, unbureaucratic and free of charge.
Further information
Tanzbüro Berlin // TanzRaumBerlin
Tanzbüro Berlin is the central contact point for the Berlin dance scene. It helps Berlin dance artists with an extensive range of free advice, extending from individual conversations to group seminars, peer-to-peer workshops and our six-month CPD module tandem.
Further information
Details and deadlines for public-sector funding instruments in Berlin, Germany and the world.
Further information
Das Pina Bausch Fellowship ermöglicht Tänzer*innen und Choreografen*innen, ihr eigenes Bewegungsrepertoire zu erweitern und neue, individuelle Ausdrucksweisen zu finden – um damit ihre persönliche künstlerische Entwicklung zu beflügeln. Bis zu vier Stipendien pro Jahr werden vergeben. Eine Altersgrenze für die Bewerber*innen gibt es nicht.
Further information
Seit 2007 vergibt K3 in jeder Spielzeit achtmonatige Residenzen an drei Choreograph*innen. Das in dieser Form international einmalige Residenzprogramm richtet sich an internationale Choreograph*innen, die am Beginn ihrer beruflichen Karriere stehen und bereits erste eigene choreographische Arbeiten realisiert haben. Die Residenz beginnt Mitte August und dauert bis Mitte April des darauffolgenden Jahres.
Further information
The Senate has established a tiered funding system which caters equally to both short-term initiatives and more ambitious undertakings.
Further information
The UdK Berlin is the office for the Elsa Neumann Scholarships of the State of Berlin in accordance with the Nachwuchsförderungsgesetz (NaFöG) for all artistic universities in Berlin. Once a year, a commission awards scholarships to graduates of artistic programs who have achieved above-average performance. The scholarships serve the development of artistic projects and are announced for the subject groups fine arts, design, music and performing arts.
Further information (only in German)
With its new funding program #TakeHeart, the Fonds Darstellende Künste is continuing its support measures with funds of NEUSTART KULTUR – the rescue and future-oriented package for the cultural and media fields financed by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM). The goal of this new program is to ease the impact of COVID-19 in the cultural sphere, to facilitate the restart of cultural life in Germany and to offer planning security and new pioneering perspectives for the development of the independent performing arts.
Further information
Where is Berlin’s dance scene? Where is it taking Berlin? Tanzbüro Berlin’s website offers a grandstand view of contemporary dance in the city, with information about important topics and events.
Further information
LAFT Berlin – Berlin State Association for the Independent Performing Arts e.V. represents the interests of its approximately 350 members, including the essential performance venues, groups and independent artists of Berlin, in dealing with politicians and the public. It supports its members through networking activities, consultation, coordination and services.
Further information
The registered association “Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin” (Contemporary Dance Berlin) represents the interests of artists, choreographers, dancers, dance companies and institutions active in the context of dance, choreography and performance in Berlin.
Further information
The Stiftung Tanz Transition accompanies and supports dancers from the beginning of their education through every stage of their career up until the conclusion of their process of transition. It is open for all professional dancers, whether they are employed or freelance, at city theaters, state theaters, musical theaters, in film or on TV.
Further information
The sculpture workshop in the listed former Arnheim safe factory in Wedding was expanded by the bbk berlin using funds from the Senate in 1985. It is utilised by around 500 artists annually. Comprising a total floor space of 3,600 sqm and a maximum hall height of 12 m, artists have ideal and diverse working opportunities here for projects in metal, stone, wood, ceramics as well as plaster and moulding. Up to 25 artists can work simultaneously in five workshop areas. Covering a length of 160 metres, the individual halls are connected by a gallery in which work can also be carried out.
Further information