Campus Uferstudios
The HZT Campus Uferstudios in Berlin-Mitte is located in the former central workshops of the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe. Since the completion of the conversion measures, a total of fourteen studios have been built in the listed brick building, five of them for the HZT Berlin. A rehearsal stage for shows and events, a media library, seminar and work rooms as well as two video editing suites can also be used.
The Uferstudios bring together education, artistic production and information under one roof and thus enable an ideal exchange of artists, students and the public. In addition to the HZT, users include the Tanzfabrik Berlin, the information office of Tanzbüro Berlin, the ada Studio as well as Berlin and international artists, companies and producers.
The media library is a reference library. The holdings include a selection of books, magazines and audio/video material from the fields of dance, philosophy, aesthetics, cultural and art history, sociology, political science, education, medicine and psychology. Places to work, research and view material are available.
The material is a part of the university library of the Universität der Künste. The regulations for libraries and documentation branches of the Technische Universität Berlin and the Universität der Künste Berlin apply. The material is listed in the UdK university library. Duplicates of many media exist at the university library of the UdK (Volkswagen-Haus, Fasanenstr. 88). Some of this media is circulating.
Online catalogue of the University Library of the UdK
Opening hours of the media library at Uferstudios:
Due to the actual Coronavirus situation, the media library stays closed.
Information for the curent studio booking-rules at the HZT Berlin as of 6.4.2022 can be found here
Campus Ernst Busch
The Ernst Busch campus was newly opened in 2018. In addition to the maChoreography at the HZT Berlin, the courses of study Acting, Direction, Dramaturgie, Puppetery and Play and Objekt of the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch are accommodated here.
At the Ernst Busch campus there are three rehearsal studios (100, 135 and 160 sqm) for the HZT students, a shared seminar room, a media studio with editing suites, recording equipment and basic lighting and sound equipment as well as the complete library of the HfS with workplaces. The two stages will be jointly used by all resident study programmes.