Making a Difference

Developing, cultivating, and strengthening anti-ableist practice in the field of dance

The publication looks back on the last six years. In the form of interviews with artists and reports on developments in the network’s partner organisations, the book provides insights into project practice over the last six years. With “What it takes to act – a knowledge transfer” it gives an overview of the perspectives on disability, ableism, privilege and audism as well as initial practical recommendations for anti-ableist working practices in the cultural sector and beyond.

The HZT Berlin was one of eight organizations at Making a Difference, which moved the Berlin dance scene on various levels and in different ways.

"Our partnership with Making a Difference provided the impetus for Claire Cunningham’s professorship. Since Cunningham always sees her art as an exploration of social issues and activism, we will work with her to continue to further Making a Difference’s mission to promote the self-determined work of disabled, d/Deaf, and chronically ill artists in dance. We will also work with Claire Cunningham and her team to make sure that Making a Difference’s work can be continued."

Read the accessible publication now >

Making a Difference/Sophiensaele GmbH (ed.)
Sophienstraße 18, 10178 Berlin
Concept and Editing: Anne Rieger and Noa Winter
Editing: Gina Jeske
© 2024