New Performance Work

SODA Works 2011

In "New Performance Work 2011", the nine 2012 graduates of the masters programme Solo Dance Authorship critically reflect on the conditions of performance creation and production. Whilst doing so, the group questions preconceived notions of authorship through the practical workshops and table discussions they had over the course of their studies. The publication of their results hopes to present a glimpse of their artistic work and ideas, and highlights the influence of the community that the artists operate within.

Publisher: Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin (HZT)
Master Programme: MA Solo/Dance/Authorship (SODA)
Authors & Concept: Dragana Bulut, Elisabete Finger, Daniel Kok, Keith Lim,
Sheena McGrandles, Ana Monteiro, Zoja Smutny, Ana Trincão, Yair Vardi
Editor: Judith Brückmann
Lectorate: Sophia New, Daniel Belasco Rogers, Dr. Ric Allsopp
Graphic Design: gewerk design, Susanne Kluge in co-operation with Dragana Bulut,
Elisabete Finger, Daniel Kok, Keith Lim, Sheena McGrandles, Ana Monteiro, Zoja Smutny,
Ana Trincão, Yair Vardi
Photos and I mages: Diego Wiltshire, p. 5 – 6; Crystal # Rehearsal series by Ana Trincão,
Alma Quintana, Esthel Vogrig, Paper, Blue water marker, 2,30 m/2,80 m, 2011, p. 9 – 10;
Roger Rossel, p. 11 (Performers: Ana Trincão and Sandro Amaral); Unknown, p. 12 – 13;
Ana Monterio, p. 22 – 23; Elisabete Finger, p. 29 & 31; Guntar Kravis, p. 34 – 35
Thanks to: Jens Imig, Susanne Kluge and Birgit Schlegel for their unconditional support.

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