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Sat 10. 5. 25 19:00
Thesis HfS Ernst Busch
maC Final Works

Pooyesh Frozandeh


SAVING FLOWERS © [Translate to English:]

The MA Choreography students develop their final projects during the last semester of their master’s program and present them to the public.  >

Sun 11. 5. 25 19:00
Thesis HfS Ernst Busch
maC Final Works

Pooyesh Frozandeh


SAVING FLOWERS © [Translate to English:]

The MA Choreography students develop their final projects during the last semester of their master’s program and present them to the public.  >

Fri 23. 5. 25 19:00
Thesis HfS Ernst Busch
maC Final Works

Tim Winter

Outside Inside

Outside Inside © [Translate to English:] Tim Winter

In Outside Inside, bodies embark on a search and wander between the outside and the inside.

Sat 24. 5. 25 19:00
Thesis HfS Ernst Busch
maC Final Works

Tim Winter

Outside Inside

Outside Inside © [Translate to English:] Tim Winter

In Outside Inside, bodies embark on a search and wander between the outside and the inside.

Fri 13. 6. 25 19:00
Thesis Uferstudios

Vera Shchelkina

Everyone here is a bit of a horse

Everyone here is a bit of a horse © [Translate to English:] Vera Shchelkina

This piece resists to become human, whatever forms it takes.

Sat 14. 6. 25 19:00
Thesis Uferstudios

Vera Shchelkina

Everyone here is a bit of a horse

Everyone here is a bit of a horse © [Translate to English:] Vera Shchelkina

This piece resists to become human, whatever forms it takes.

Fri 20. 6. 25 19:00
Thesis Uferstudios
maC Final Works

Felipe Fizkal


SUR © [Translate to English:] Felipe Fizkal

Sacralizing the Global South

Sat 21. 6. 25 19:00
Thesis Uferstudios
maC Final Works

Felipe Fizkal


SUR © [Translate to English:] Felipe Fizkal

Sacralizing the Global South

Fri 27. 6. 25 19:00
Thesis Uferstudios
maC Final Works

Diana Naber


MANNA © [Translate to English:] Esther Vorwerk

The MA Choreography students develop their final projects during the last semester of their master’s program and present them to the public.  >

Sat 28. 6. 25 17:00
Thesis Uferstudios
maC Final Works

Diana Naber


MANNA © [Translate to English:] Esther Vorwerk

The MA Choreography students develop their final projects during the last semester of their master’s program and present them to the public.  >
