Bauhaus tanzen - A Tanzfonds Erbe Project (2014)
Oskar Schlemmer called the movement and stage studies that he worked on as director of the stage workshop of the Bauhaus Dessau with students and guest dancers in the 1920s “Bauhaustänze”. These minimalist and clip-like experiments manifest an approach to spatially oriented movement art beyond ballet andAusdruckstanz that has almost been forgotten today. HZT Berlin students, TU Berlin scenographers as well as dancers from the Anhaltische Theater Dessau have newly interpreted the “Bauhaustänze” choreographically and scenographically under the artistic director Ingo Reulecke. In the Uferstudio’s courtyard and studios, performances, short films and installations could be seen at Uferstudios.
An extensive documentary with a recording of the piece "Paper-Traced", an interview with Oskar Schlemmer's granddaughter Janine Schlemmer, the programme booklet and a cinematic insight into the project can be found at TANZFONDS ERBE.