BA Graduate Works

BA Dance, Context, Choreography

Free Admission. Tickets can be booked 10 days before the first performance for each work.

Mi, 18.09.2024
18:00 h + 20:00h > bobi h stojaković: For Whom the Bell Tells (The Tales of the Other within)
19:00h: Safete Muchave Invisible Chains

Fr, 20.09.2024
18:00h + 20:00h: Núria Carrillo Erra The Numbers of this Performance are 20,18, 20, 8
19:00h: Sophia Obermeyer 0 Euro, but Perfect Alignment

Di, 24.09.2024
18:00h: Suet Wa Tam Longing to Be
19:00h: Lucas Godoi No Time for Titles
20:30h: Alejandro González Then We Will Become Obsessed with the Idea of Losing Everything We Have Achieved

Do, 26.09.2024
18:00h: Suet Wa Tam Longing to Be
19:00h: Auro Orso Perreo Entre los Mundos
20:30h: Alejandro González Then We Will Become Obsessed with the Idea of Losing Everything We Have Achieved

BA Graduate Works since 2023

Programm Freitag 9. Sept
| 18:00 Performance-Installation - Zuki Ringart

Programm Dienstag 13. Sept
ST 8
 | 16:00 + 18:30 hrs - Nina Wesemann, ST 11 | 17:15 hrs - Johanna Ryynänen, ST 11 | 19:45 hrs - Maud Buckenmeyer

Programm Donnerstat 15. Sept
ST 8
 | 16:00 + 18:30 hrs - Gareth Okan, ST 11 | 17:15 hrs - Thiago Rosa, ST 11 | 19:45-20:30 hrs - Aleksandra Petrushevska

Programm Samstag 17. Sept
ST 8
 | 16:00 + 18:30 hrs - Liisi Hint & Maria Ladopoulos, ST 11 | 17:15 hrs - Soomin Chae, ST 11 | 19:45 hrs - Miguel Witzke Pereira
