
Francis Seeck

Classismus. The ignored discrimination

Classism is the systematic oppression of subordinate class groups with the aim to advantage dominant class groups. It is the systemic attribution of value-based characteristics to social class. Classism is perpetuated by a belief system that classifies people according to their economic status, family background, job status, education level, and other distinguishing characteristics. Class-based discrimination affects poor, unemployed and homeless people as well as those who are first generation students and working-class people. The talk will address classism in the cultural field.

Winter Semester 2022/23: SODA Lecture Series The Performativity of Class
Studio 11 & Live Stream: 

Free admission / In English

Francis Seeck, born 1987 in East-Berlin, is an antidiscrimination trainer, author, social scientist and poverty class academic. They published several books on classism, such as "Zugang verwehrt/ Access Denied” (Atrium publishers, 2022).

The lecture series is jointly curated and organised by Prof. Dr. Sandra Noeth (MA SODA/HZT Berlin) and Prof. Dan Belasco Rogers (UdK Studium Generale).

Event location: