SODA 301 Artistic Research Presentations 2019

How do artistic practice and aesthetic experience relate to and expand our knowledge about the world we live in? How can one access experience of temporal vertigo, connect the real with the virtual, produce authenticity and reveal dream-like states? How can one negotiate our inner rhythms with those of the outside world, collaborate with plants, pursue transcendence of the physical through sound, and work notions of magic and presence? 

During their 2-year trajectory in the MA SODA (Solo/Dance/Authorship), students develop trans-disciplinary body- and movement-based practices and strategies at the intersections of art and its environment. In this public presentation, they give insights in their current artistic and research projects.

By Kuba Borkowicz, Bernardo Chatillon, Jason Corff, Jorge de Hoyos, Ana Lessing Menjibar, Minna Partanen and Rhyannon Styles 

MA SODA301 Artistic Research Presentations 2019

1. - 6.7.2019

| Bernardo Chatillon: I need to be Here | Studio 8
8pm| Rhyannon Styles: Experiential States | Studio 8

| Ana Lessing Menjibar: (Int)eruption. The Idea of a Second Heart | Studio 8
7.30pm| Jason Corff: Passed Three | Studio 9
9pm|  Kuba Borkowicz: Impossible Forest Collaboration

6pm| Minna Partanen: Strangely Familiar | Studio 9 
7.30pm| Jorge de Hoyos: Spirited Dancing | Studio 8

7pm | Ana Lessing Menjibar: (Int)eruption. The Idea of a Second Heart | Studio 8
8.30pm| Minna Partanen: Strangely Familiar | Studio 9 

6pm| Jorge de Hoyos: Spirited Dancing | Studio 8
7.30pm| Jason Corff: Passed Three | Studio 9
9pm| Kuba Borkowicz: Impossible Forest Collaboration

6pm| Rhyannon Styles: Experiential States | Studio 8
8pm| Bernardo Chatillon: I need to be Here | Studio 8

HZT Berlin- Inter-University Center for Dance
Uferstudios 8 + 9 (Uferstraße 23, 13357 Berlin)

All research presentations are free of entrance; registration is needed!
For details on the program and registration see   
