Prof. Dr. Sandra Noeth
Research Lab

Sandra Noeth (Dr. phil.) is a professor at the HZT – Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin and works internationally as a curator and dramaturge in institutional and independent settings. She specialises in political and ethical perspectives on body practice and theory. Her research focuses on the body’s experience of borders and conflict, and the potential of artistic theory and practice to generate attention and agency for the systemic (non-) representation of specific bodies. Much of her work is transdisciplinary, see: Violence of Inscriptions, a programme and workshop series on bodies under structural violence (with Arkadi Zaides, HAU-Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, 2016-18), What does it take to cross a border? (ifa-gallery Berlin, 2019), Hållning- a practice-led proposal for collective learning and action (with MDT, ABF, University of the Arts and Goethe Institute Stockholm).
In her current research and publication project, Sandra Noeth critically examines the concept and right to bodily integrity from the perspective of body theory and -practice. In collaboration with the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm and an international network of artists and theorists, the following projects on the unequal distribution of bodily protection have been developed between 2020-22: the curatorial programme Bodies, un-protected, and the lecture series Unversehrtheit: Conversations on the Integrity of the Body.
Publications (selection): Breathe. Critical Investigations into the Inequalities of Life (2023, ed. with Janez Janša, transcript), Violence: Embodiment (2022, online, edited for PARSE), Bodies of Evidence: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Politics of Movement (2018, ed. with Gurur Ertem, Passagen), the periodical SCORES (2010-16, ed. for Tanzquartier Wien), and the monograph Resilient Bodies, Residual Effects: Artistic Articulations of Borders and Collectivity from Lebanon and Palestine (2019, transcript). Sandra Noeth is a co-editor of the series Corporeal Matters at transcript publishers, which explores practices and concepts of body-based research across different disciplines and fields of application.
Sandra Noeth has taught and lectured internationally, including as senior lecturer at Stockholm University of the Arts (2012 - 2019) and resident professor at Ashkal Alwan, Beirut (2015-2016). From 2009 to 2014 she was head of dramaturgy and research at Tanzquartier Wien.
Since taking up her professorship in 2018, she has been regularly responsible for the public SODA lecture series and the corresponding workshop programmes at the HZT Berlin. Since 2020, she has been a member of the support group against discrimination and violence at the UdK Berlin.
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